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Soledad De Lemus Martin
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de artículos

S.D. Lemus Martin, M.C. Moya Morales, J. Lupiañez Castillo and M. Bukowski ,  "Men in the Office, Women in the Kitchen? Contextual Dependency of Gender Stereotype Activation in Spanish Women", "Sex Roles" , vol.70, 468-478, 2014
S.D. Lemus Martin, L. Mantas Mantas, M. Velásquez, E. Ryan and J. López Megías,  "From Sex to Gender: A University Intervention to Reduce Sexism in Argentina, Spain, and El Salvador", "Journal of Social Issues" , vol.70, 741-762, 2014
S.D. Lemus Martin, R. Spears-, M. Bukowski , M.C. Moya Morales and J. Lupiañez Castillo,  "Reversing gender stereotypes as a function of exposure to traditional role relations. " , vol.44, 109-117, 2013
S.D. Lemus Martin "Rendimiento escolar y desempeño social en adolescentes: predicciones desde el 'effortful control' y la empatía.", "The Spanish Journal of Psychology" , vol.16, -, 2013
P. Montañes-Muro, S.D. Lemus Martin, M.C. Moya Morales, G. Bohner- and J. López Megías,  "How Attractive Are Sexist Intimates to Adolescents? The Influence of Sexist Beliefs and Relationship Experience", "Psychology of Women Quarterly" , -, 2013
S.D. Lemus Martin and M. Bukowski ,  "When interdependence shapes social perception: Cooperation and competition moderate the implicit activation of gender stereotypical associations. ", "The Spanish Journal of Psychology" , vol.16, -, 2013
S.D. Lemus Martin, R. Spears-, M. Bukowski , M.C. Moya Morales and J. Lupiañez Castillo,  "Reversing implicit gender stereotype activation as a function of exposure to traditional gender roles.", "Social Psychology" , vol.44, 109-116, 2013
P. Montañes-Muro, S.D. Lemus Martin, G. Bohner , J. López Megías, M.C. Moya Morales and R. García-Retamero-Imedio,  "Intergenerational Transmission of Benevolent Sexism from Mothers to Daughters and its Relation to Daughters¿ Academic Performance and Goals", "Sex Roles" , vol.66, 468-478, 2012

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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