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Miguel Carlos Moya Morales
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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E. Moreno Bella, G.B. Willis Sanchez and M.C. Moya Morales,  "Economic equality as facilitator of other warmth perceptions in social hierarchies", "Rencontres Interlaboratoires", None-None, 2019
E. Moreno Bella, G.B. Willis Sanchez and M.C. Moya Morales,  "Economic Inequality and Masculinity-Femininity: Traditional Masculine Traits are More Representative in Higher Unequal Contexts", "42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)", None-None, 2019
E. Moreno Bella, G.B. Willis Sanchez and M.C. Moya Morales,  "The Consequences of Economic Inequality in the Perception of Society: Masculinity-Femininity, and Social Class", "The 3rd Biennial International Convention of Psychological Science", None-None, 2019
J. Alcañiz Colomer and M.C. Moya Morales,  "Variables that influence persistent participation: study through student associations", "42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)", None-None, 2019
A.L. Zapata Calvente, M.C. Moya Morales, G. Bohner and J. López Megías,  "Automatic Associations and Conscious Attitudes Predict Different Aspects of Men¿s Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Harassment Proclivities",  Sex Roles , -, 2019
E. Moreno Bella, G.B. Willis Sanchez and M.C. Moya Morales,  "Economic Inequality and Masculinity-Femininity: The Prevailing Perceived Traits in Higher Unequal Contexts are Masculine",  Frontiers in Psychology, vol.10 , -, 2019
A. Moya Garófano and M.C. Moya Morales,  "Focusing on ones own appearance leads to body shame in women but not men: The mediating role of body surveillance and appearance-contingent self-worth",  Body Image, vol.29 , 58-64, 2019
A.L. Zapata Calvente, J. López Megías, M.C. Moya Morales and D. Schoebi,  "Gender-Related Ideological and Structural Macrosocial Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence Against European Women",  Psychology of Women Quarterly , -, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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