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E. Moreno Bella, E. Padial, G.B. Willis Sanchez
M.C. Moya Morales,
"Registered Replication Report: A Multi-Lab Replication of the Induced Compliance Paradigm of Cognitive Dissonance", "Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological"
, -, 2024
A. Iañez-Dominguez, M. Palacios Galvez, E.M. Morales Marente
V. Luque-Ribelles,
"Diseño de la evaluación de los grupos socioeducativos para hombres en atención primaria", "Gaceta Sanitaria"
, vol.38, 1-3, 2024
E. García Sánchez, E. Moreno Bella, D. Melita, Á. Sánchez Rodríguez, J.D. García-Castro, R. Rodriguez Bailon
G.B. Willis Sanchez,
"Perceived Economic Inequality is Negatively Associated with Subjective Well-being through Status Anxiety and Social Trust", "Social Indicators Research"
, -, 2024
M.G. Bustos Ortega, H. Carretero-Dios, J. López Megías
M. Romero Sánchez,
"Sexist Attitudes in Online Video Gaming: Development and Validation of the Sexism Against Women Gamers Scale (SAWGS) in Spanish and English", "Psychology of Women Quarterly"
, -, 2023
E. Moreno Bella, C. Kulich, G.B. Willis Sanchez
M.C. Moya Morales,
"Wage inequality matters: The effect of organizational economic inequality on others¿ and self-ascriptions", "The Journal of Social Psychology"
, -, 2023
S. Gradidge, J. Alcañiz Colomer
S. Loughnan,
"Inhuman animals: moving dehumanization into the domain of human¿animal relations", "Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences"
, -, 2023
A. Velandia-Morales, R. Martinez Gutierrez
R. Rodriguez Bailon,
"¿Incita la desigualdad económica al consumo de lujo?"
, 1-3, 2023
A.L. Zapata Calvente, S. Martín De Las Heras, A. Bueno Cavanillas, K. Andreasen, V. Rasch
K.S. Khan,
"E-health psychological intervention in pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence (eIPV): a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial", "PLoS One"
, vol.18, 1-17, 2023
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024