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I. Fritsche, M.C. Moya Morales, M. Bukowski , P. Jugert, S.D. Lemus Martin, O. Decker, I. Valor Segura
G. Navarro Carrillo,
"The Great Recession and group-based control: Converting personal helplessness into social class in-group trust and collective action", "50th Conference of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)", None-None, 2016
M. Bukowski , S.D. Lemus Martin, R. Rodriguez Bailon
G.B. Willis Sanchez,
"Who¿s to blame? Causal attributions of the economic crisis and personal control", Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
, -, 2016
S.D. Lemus Martin, P. Montañes Muro, J. López Megías
M.C. Moya Morales,
"Development of gender prejudice from childhood to adulthood: a Spanish perspective", "The Psychology of Gender and Culture", -, 2015
M.Y. Telga, S.D. Lemus Martin
J. Lupiañez Castillo,
"Efectos secuenciales de conflictos cognitivos y social. ", "10ª REunión Científica sobre Atención", None-None, 2015
M.Y. Telga, S.D. Lemus Martin
J. Lupiañez Castillo,
"Trial-to-trial control adjustments across cognitive and social conflicts: the effect of social identity threat. ", "Seminar on Control Motivation and (Social) Cognition", None-None, 2015
S.D. Lemus Martin
K. Stroebe,
"Achieving social change: a matter of all for one?", Journal of Social Issues, vol.71
, 441-452, 2015
G. Jiménez-Moya, R. Spears-, R. Rodriguez Bailon
S.D. Lemus Martin,
"By Any Means Necessary? When and Why Low Group Identification Paradoxically Predicts Radical Collective Action", Journal of Social Issues, vol.71
, 517-535, 2015
P. Montañes Muro, J. López Megías, S.D. Lemus Martin
M.C. Moya Morales,
"Influence on sexism of first couple relationships in adolescence", Revista de Psicología Social, vol.30
, 219-240, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024