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María Mercedes Durán Segura
MARZO 2009
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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

R. Bueno, M.M. Durán Segura and M.Á. Garrido,  "Competencias de interacción social del alumnado de primero de educación primaria", "II Jornadas de Innovación Docente. Prácticas innovadoras en docencia universitaria", None-None, 2012
M.M. Durán Segura, C. Rodríguez and R. Martínez-Pecino,  "Perceptions of psychological violence by professionals: The role of type of intimate relationship (homosexual and heterosexual) and observer¿s gender", "70th International Council of Psychologists Conference", None-None, 2012
M.M. Durán Segura, I. Campos and R. Martínez-Pecino,  "¿The influence of gender and subjects on gender education as predictors of obstacles that prevent from proper social comprehension of gender violence in future professionals of law", "70th International Council of Psychologists Conference", None-None, 2012
M.M. Durán Segura, J.L. Megías and M. Moya,  "Ambivalent sexism and men¿s rape proclivity: The role of Benevolent Sexism", "XVI workshop Aggression ", None-None, 2011
M.M. Durán Segura, M. Moya and J.L. Megías,  "¿How would women deal with sexual violence from their sexist intimate partners?¿", "16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) ", None-None, 2011
M.M. Durán Segura, M. Moya and J.L. Megías,  "Men¿s proclivity and women¿s reactions to sexual violence in intimate relationships: The role of perceivers¿ and perpetrators¿ sexism", "The Biennial Convention of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI, Division 9 of APA), ", None-None, 2010
M.M. Durán Segura, M. Moya and J.L. Megías,  "Social perception of traditional sexual roles: The role of rape myth acceptance and perpetrator¿s sexist attitudes", "I Congreso Conjunto de EPS y SEPEX ", None-None, 2010
M.M. Durán Segura, M. Moya and J.L. Megías,  "social Perception of marital rights and duties in sexual relationships", "I Congreso Conjunto de EPS y SEPEX", None-None, 2010

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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